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Great idea, I really enjoyed the characters, but it is very buggy. Furthermore I do suggest making quests that lead into other quests, AKA, a puzzle is more interesting if the solution includes needing to do some other quest beforehand. Without that, or any sort of rewards, quests just become endless checklists that go nowhere.

You're right, the game is still very buggy. Sorry about that. I've just published an update fixing most of the bugs but it's difficult to catch them all being seven player characters with different skills and so many quests. Anyways, I'll definitely take a look at quests into quests for future updates. Thanks a lot for your feedback!


And thank you for still working on this. It's such a unique experience and funny to boot too! :)

(1 edit)

this could be a super fun game, but it is riddled with bugs. submitted a report about a few of them while i was still early in the game, but at this point i don't think i can progress any further. i've finished both sisters quests (this room is completed bugged out by the way) but, but when i try to give juliette the box it says "i don't know why she would need that", and nothing updates. i was able to convince them to drop the feud despite this (why does Jules appear out of nowhere in this scene btw?), but my only remaining quest is to find bernard and i have no idea how to do that. 

a bit more detail from your character when interacting with objects would be useful (i.e., the gate being "closed" rather than "locked" made me think I needed to find some sort of switch to open it). 

also, i have no idea where to find the third philosophy book. i looked at the walkthrough, but when i opened the chest my character just said it was empty and i couldn't interact with it any further, which also wasted my crowbar so i couldn't complete the plumber quest.

lastly, other quests didn't update. for example, i got rid of the holy man, but there are no checkmarks in the quest and I can't say anything about it to rose. 

Thanks a lot for the comment and the bug reports! I'll try to fix them all in the following update 😅


I enjoyed this very much, brilliant work! Also, I submited a google form about a bug I encontered in the web version.


Thanks a lot for your feedback and the GIF! Hope I can find and fix this bug in the next update 🕵️🐞